So, Kerrie jumps in to my room (me with my earplugs in kinda heard here far far away in some distant reality..) does a little dance, which she doesn't know I saw xD and then wakes me up, to tell me that we'll be leaving for somewhere in about 30 mins. So I jump out of bed put my clothes on and head down for the kitchen and the daily waffles x2 with PB & J ^^ As I soon realize I'm the first one down in the kitchen. Then Kerrie sees me and says "Don't have any breakfast OK?" and I go "oops, too late :S" to which Kevin replies "Didn't you tell her we were gonna eat breakfast at *forgotten the name of the place, some American restaurant thing that also does breakfasts...* ?" "No, I wanted it to be a surprise..." then I say "Well, I'm still a bit hungry..." (which wasn't true but hey, I managed to eat 2 pancakes...and a few bites... with maple syrup :9 yummie!) so that was the morning thing... then it was naptime.. after that we went to Red Rocks. (See pictures of me on Red Rocks, playing Gollum in one..!!..awesome stuff man :D haha) So anyway, Red Rocks was seriously cool, like, just look at the pics and you'll know what I mean :D After the climbing and having fun, we headed back home to do burgers... I dunno really what Kevin put in them.. they were okay I guess, couldn't eat all of mine though... not because of the taste but because he's bought red hot chili peppers. the actual vegetable or whatever.. not the band (unfortunatly (A) ! ) and he was like "oh, you'll be fine, it's a mild one..." YEAH RIGHT! My lips and tounge were burning, I got tears in my eyes, I kinda choked and couldn't eat anymore... so I comforted myself with another 2 waffles, with PB & J of course. (that's peanutbutter and jelly (jam) to you not of knowledge... ;P hah!) I know that they're not the best thing to eat but man THEY ARE G-O-O-D! so anyway, then we watched a couple of films, Idiocracy and Sororoty Boys. hilarious!! And now I've just loaded all the photos on to the comp... so you could see 'em ^^ Oh yeah, bought a mini digital camera today.. $10!! BARGAIN!! weehoooo! Well, I'm going to Denver tomorrow, may be I'll be able to do another blog before I get on the plane, we'll see. Otherwise, thanx for reading, and see you soon! (if you're in sweden and know me that is) Oh yeah, translated Petter & hans 4 getter today XD Elia seems to like it anyway, but my sis got me to tell it in swedish first though :) :P well datesquares to you all! Vive la Matefactor! :D /Bex ^^,