Tuesday, 25 September 2007


yes yes, så tar man dom! eller hur, Blomman!? xD

victor o ja dela buss idag ^^ igår dela ja buss me emil på morgonen o josua på e.m.. bussar e trevliga juh :P imorn tror ja alex o ja har bestämt bussdejt xD fy sjuttsingen vilken dryg fjortis ja e då :D handla smink snart, wehoo! XDXDXD johanna, 80talet har ringt mej massor idag! LÄMNA TILLBAKS HÅRSPRAYEN!! :d BLOG 2MORROW, BUHBYE :P (peppers idag igen (A))

Monday, 24 September 2007

Tenta av..?

Jahapp... på engelskan fick jag då informationen att jag kunde få tenta av a-kursen eftersom jag låg över nivån på det vi kommer göra... men samtidigt vet jag inte riktigt hur ja ska göra.. (medveten om att ja skrev "jag" i början men orka va ordentlig :P ) visst skulle de va nice o slippa dras me sega lektioner o sådär.. men tänk om vi gör nåt kul på lektionerna då?! ;O kanske kan tenta av o sen va me på de ja inte har gjort förut/de som e kul... e ju bra me lite ledig tid oxå, så man kan plugga annat man inte hinner me för att man har en rätt pratig klass som inte direkt alltid inser att lektioner=jobba, inte msn ...... -.-' alla har gått på lunch nu, tror ja köper nåt i automaten ist... orka sjukhuset, va ändå inget gott idag.. tror ja :P yaya, bandet igår.. vi hade sämst ljud o va allmänt inte på.. trötta... ZzzZzZzzZ... mene.. i helgen blir de ny övning. me fungerande mic, hoppas ja x) religion sen... rätt soft dag. engelska först som sagt o sen hade ja precis naturkunskap.. som t.o.m va intressant (!) har ja aldrig tyckt förut.. men ja. nu e de lunch, sen religion. slut ^^ gött. tar nån bild bara, har inga nya :P men.. blir nog peppers bara för o va nördig 8-) /bex

Sunday, 16 September 2007

The american breakfast and me...smiling ! ;O

Just thought I'd post these too (A) enjoy!

Red Rocks, the American breakfast and some hot chili peppers...

So, Kerrie jumps in to my room (me with my earplugs in kinda heard here far far away in some distant reality..) does a little dance, which she doesn't know I saw xD and then wakes me up, to tell me that we'll be leaving for somewhere in about 30 mins. So I jump out of bed put my clothes on and head down for the kitchen and the daily waffles x2 with PB & J ^^ As I soon realize I'm the first one down in the kitchen. Then Kerrie sees me and says "Don't have any breakfast OK?" and I go "oops, too late :S" to which Kevin replies "Didn't you tell her we were gonna eat breakfast at *forgotten the name of the place, some American restaurant thing that also does breakfasts...* ?" "No, I wanted it to be a surprise..." then I say "Well, I'm still a bit hungry..." (which wasn't true but hey, I managed to eat 2 pancakes...and a few bites... with maple syrup :9 yummie!) so that was the morning thing... then it was naptime.. after that we went to Red Rocks. (See pictures of me on Red Rocks, playing Gollum in one..!!..awesome stuff man :D haha) So anyway, Red Rocks was seriously cool, like, just look at the pics and you'll know what I mean :D After the climbing and having fun, we headed back home to do burgers... I dunno really what Kevin put in them.. they were okay I guess, couldn't eat all of mine though... not because of the taste but because he's bought red hot chili peppers. the actual vegetable or whatever.. not the band (unfortunatly (A) ! ) and he was like "oh, you'll be fine, it's a mild one..." YEAH RIGHT! My lips and tounge were burning, I got tears in my eyes, I kinda choked and couldn't eat anymore... so I comforted myself with another 2 waffles, with PB & J of course. (that's peanutbutter and jelly (jam) to you not of knowledge... ;P hah!) I know that they're not the best thing to eat but man THEY ARE G-O-O-D! so anyway, then we watched a couple of films, Idiocracy and Sororoty Boys. hilarious!! And now I've just loaded all the photos on to the comp... so you could see 'em ^^ Oh yeah, bought a mini digital camera today.. $10!! BARGAIN!! weehoooo! Well, I'm going to Denver tomorrow, may be I'll be able to do another blog before I get on the plane, we'll see. Otherwise, thanx for reading, and see you soon! (if you're in sweden and know me that is) Oh yeah, translated Petter & hans 4 getter today XD Elia seems to like it anyway, but my sis got me to tell it in swedish first though :) :P well datesquares to you all! Vive la Matefactor! :D /Bex ^^,

Saturday, 15 September 2007

btw... (..I tried to say I'd be there, waiting for..) <-- I know, I'm a nerd :D

I got this picture sent to me today... It's my dear missed friend Dejan. We had lots of fun when he went to my old school. well.. just thought I'd mention him too :) goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!


The Girls Night Out ;)

So, yeah, we went out, to what I referred to as The Amish People yesterday I think, and it was sooooo cool! Didn't take any photos though, it didn't seem like a good thing to do, but man they are AWESOME! I've got the address to a woman there called Neshef and I'll be writing her and keeping in contact and stuff. Will defenetly come see them again :) Then after we had dinner (grilled fish :9) we went downtown to see some music, (see pic) the girl singing is called.. something I can't remember so nevermind.. :P The band is called Poesis, and they were ok I guess. She had a really strong voice. Nice, powerful, you know... anyway, after that we went home, after taking some really..."odd" photos in one of those.. photo..uhm..thingies, bouth? not sure about the spelling but a photobouth nonetheless.. xD strange english but whatever :P cave of the winds is way to expensive so we'll be doing something tomorrow, just not sure what ^^ Then on sunday I'll be heading home... Mums birthday on the same day I get home (17th sep) Kevins bday too actually :P Just read the comments posted by Villevalleovictor and: I really don't care about my cousins hair, but thanx, now I know that he still looks like a total dork, and it will have to be two "the" The more I approach.. the more I am.. I think it was anyway (A) not sure but 2 the-s :) CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS ! miss the band :) oh, btw, this weird semi-drunk guy offered me an orange crush (a drink) at Kenfolks..no Kinfolks.. anyway, the place where the band played :P I was like.. N-O-O... and shaking my head XD well enjoy the pics. One of the band and a few of me.... I now. fjortis, right? ;) (but, really, can you blame me? c'mon, it's fun !!)

Friday, 14 September 2007

Great fun in the US ^^

Yeah, so this is what you get when you put Bex in Manitou Springs [manjitoe sprindjez] with a totally awesome & cool sister and give her some wacky sunglasses xD i love it here man! so tomorrow we're gonna party with the Amish ;) no not really but they are kinda.. weird :) but cool... in a... different way :P then on saturday we'll be going to the cave of the winds :) nice photos (i hope) and on sunday its denver babe, until my flight leaves this wonderful place :( :S but then again, i really miss my friends and ORANGEJUICE!! so, its gonna be sad but nice in a way too. well all for me now, just watched grudge 2, they suck man, please! someone do a movie that scares me!!! a splatter one that is. saw didn't disturb me... or hostel.. i'll have to see hostel 2 though. well over and out :) luv! /Bexispexiteximex ( ..as elia would say ;) )

Monday, 3 September 2007

Hellooo AMERICA!

so, its gonna be in english cause my dear friend whos name shall not be revealed (victor) thinks its annoying without aao .. as such.. :P anyway, im having a great time here and the lack of blogging btw is caused by my phone not working so.. thats that. uhm... i'll try and blogg everyday, atleast if there's smthing interesting going on.. :) btw, the pic is of Elia my niece, cute, huh? she's my midnight fairy ^^ love y'all ;) /Bex <3

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