hi everybody!
so nice u could join me today, well, first of I'd just like to say, I've fucked up big time. And secondly, u shouldnt really be reading this. so please stop. because today, I'm opening up FOR REAL. baring it all. and it's not pretty...
the pic couldve been, n shouldve been of me...yeah, i HAVE a pic like that. my pic. a real one, of me in that state....kinda. but, noone should have to see me like that, n its not from "this time" anyway...
i fucked up.
i lost it, and, i didnt feel like being strong so i gave up.
didnt FEEL like it.
im still not ok, quite numb, which is nice (oh btw, this was like...15 mins ago?) i think my wrist was a bit sore before, but i cant really tell if its hurting though.
why am i writing this in english? uhm...i kinda hide away from "me" when im like this.. u know, me, bex..no, bexy swedish girl. i dont wanna know myself atm cuz i hate the fact that i fucked up. so i take on my other half, n i might even start tlkin bout myself as seen from another persons eyes... now im bex. n bex is hating bexy, who just screwed up BIG time.
hah... its so stupid. im not even thinking straight now, n theres a reason for that but u dont have to know bout that.
im gonna regret this soo bad when my friends've seen this n seen how i can be.
i know im gonna hurt someone with this, and its sick that im not even satisfied, i could go on n just....destroy myself for a few hours. dont want mum asking questions though. and ive already got my bed bloody so....nah
things will start to sink in soon.
yay, wow bex. u fuckin attention-seeker..! u just want people to pity u n feel sry for u, just so u can feel like ur special n shit. hmm, maybe thats true?
maybe this, me doing this, is just an act...to get attention? i dunno. bet it is, i mean, why would i even wanna cut myself? im SO LAME.
big fat failure. oh, and...i understand completely if u dont wanna have anything more to do with me. i wouldnt. its to bad u cant seperate from urself...oh well, nothing to bout it now. whats done is done, n ill just be down for a while. whatever. bye. xx
Gör ALDRIG dig själv illa!!! Det löser INGENTING! Lägg av med det där! Jag blir asrädd! Vill inte att det ska hända dig nånting, Bex! Snälla....försök att se det ljusa, även om det är svårt. Världen behöver dig! Du är ljuset!
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