Sunday, 7 June 2009


...playing: song from Inside Emptiness...
dad: "han är ju alltså ganska bra, alltså, jag har inte hört...lyssnat så mycket på...du hade lagt in... jag hade på mp3n tror jag... du hade lagt in där... något..."
me: *vadå GANSKA ?!* "uhm.. aha?"
dad: "ja, eller vart har jag hört .. du har ju spelat ..."
me: "mm..."

...playing: song by John Frusciante *can't remember which one*...
mum: "are you making those sounds...?..."
me: *stares*
mum: "...or is it music..?"
me: *stares* *nods*

...playing: the end of Untitled#9...
mum: "that sounds like the song to Svampbob......."
me: *silent stare*
mum: "I love that little song." *smiles*
me: *silent stare*

I feel like writing in English today....
So, anyway... yesterday I happened to find myself searching for some... stuff.. on piratebay (A) and hey, success! ^_^ I managed to find (ok, like it was hard xD hahaha) the Hercules game I played like... all the time when I was .. younger x) so I downloaded it and to my joy...and...horror... I still remembered it all xD I even got further in one try than I did all those times before xD the flight of the titans is soo hard though.. I die all the time.. but it was soo much fun rediscovering it all ^^ that game rules :D

aaand I downloaded a John Frusciante discography :) I've been listening to it all day, quite a few live albums, not the best quality in sound, but I'm loving every bit of it :) I know there's tons more to him that I don't have, but it's a start anyway...

I also downloaded a Mars Volta discography, since they're coming to Arvika, and John plays with 'em from time to time... and 'cause what I've heard sounds really good :)

atm I've got 2 more discographies downloading... cradle of filth and pink floyd :P haha.

I can't believe I'm gonna be seeing Depeche Mode and Korn.. and The Mars Volta... :O and Nine Inch Nails... IN LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!

I can hardly wait! Depeche Mode (L) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhh and Röyksopp ^^ so cool.

right now I'm listening to the album Shadows Collide With People. I've had it on some computer before so I know it rules ^^ nice to hear something I recognize though xD haha, it's overwhelming hearing loooooads of tracks you haven't even heard of before.. especially when the one involved in the making of perfection is called John Frusciante. He rules. I'm..blown away. seriously.

I LOVE the music I love xD I know, that sounds so stupid. I just... can't explain how it makes me feel inside... wow.

Today, I haven't done anything else but listened to John...

Yesterday we were in school, fixing stuff for our "show" tomorrow :P and soundchecking and stuff... I think... we'll do OK tomorrow :O I hope we will anyway..

Kinda pissed that I can't sing all of Otherside but whatever... I'll just do my best on the drums in that one... I guess... Thing is.. I've known the freaking lyrics of the song for 10 years... :P so.. yeah.. aaaanyway... it's gonna be fun. Dunno what I'm gonna wear though.. oO besides.. we're supposed to be playing.. uhm.. brännboll xD tomorrow :S hell no. I'm not doing that... and soundchecking starts at 4 pm, so I dunno if I'm supposed to be in there all day doing nothing or if I can show up for the soundcheck... maybe... ah, we'll see ^^

Tuesday is like... kinda.. do whatever day in school xD we're gonna watch some.. I dunno :S I think.. maybe it's what the guys in estet film have done.. oO and stuff like that.. and then we're free to finish off schoolwork and stuff.. so I'm gonna see Habbe and just make sure Samhäll A is cleared :) yay ^^ then... on Wednesday.. I FINALLY FINISH 1ST GRADE!!!!!!!!! HAHA XD jeez, took me a while eh xD .... sick. xD

and then we're gonna party ^^ woho

Thursday... I dunno what's happening... nothing special I hope xD then on Friday.. the samba thingy is on x) and.. visiting cousins and having fun with friends all day.

then it's over. it's really over. SUMMER BREAK IS HERE! yay ^_^

and... then... I think... panic will kick in xD haha, so much to do before Arvika :O :D ok.. not really but shh (A)

ok... I think I'm done :P hope the English doesn't like... disturb you x) haha.



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